The Future of Urushi Ware

(日本語) 翻訳:

We would like to celebrate the opening of the Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2020. This is the exhibition’s twelfth event since it originally started in 1989 as an international Urushi ware competition that accepted entries from all over the world. Each time, the exhibition accepted many excellent works from home and abroad. Thus, this exhibition has built a high reputation as a world showcase to introduce ‘The Future of Urushi Ware’. Ishikawa Prefecture is world-renowned as “The Kingdom of Traditional Arts and Crafts”. Three districts-Wajima, Yamanaka and Kanazawa-boast a reputation for producing high quality Urushi ware. Each area has its own history of developing within their local regions.

It has grown into an exhibition that explores new dynamic way to interpret Urushi ware. We have held the exhibition hoping that it would help rejuvenate Urushi related industries, promote international exchange and enrich the lives of people with Urushi by pursuing new lifestyles with sensitivity. We hope that people will recognize the fact that Urushi ware has been cherished and used for its great beauty and durability for a long time. We will continue to appreciate the heritage of its techniques and craftsmanship.

This exhibition provides an opportunity to explore new trends, novel proposals and various possibilities of Urushi ware.



 September 14th, 2020 Notice of The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition

 June 26th, 2020 Results of the Final Assessment

 June 2nd, 2020 Final Results Announcement & Panel Discussion

 April 22nd, 2020 Results of the Preliminary Assessment

 March 3rd, 2020 Application Closed




 Secretariat Office of the Executive Committee

 The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition
 c/o Design Center Ishikawa
 2-20 Kuratsuki, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8203 JAPAN

The details of the previous exhibition can be found at:
