Application Guidelines

About Applicants
No requirement. Anyone can apply for the exhibition.About Works
- The work must be coated with Urushi.
- The work must be stable enough to be displayed on a floor, wall, or pedestal.
- The work must have a solid form. Just an idea or a drawing of the idea will not be accepted.
- Dimensions: Total width, depth, and height not to exceed 2.1 meters.
- Weight:Not to exceed 50kg
- Each applicant (individual or group) may submit only 1 work (or 1 set of works).
- Those works which have been exhibited in other competitions or commercially released as a product will also be accepted.
Application Deadline
Friday, March 3rd, 2023Method of Applications
Application can be made either from online or by post.Application from Online
The official website of The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition : Go to the official website of the Exhibition and provide all the necessary information in the Online Application Form.
- Upload three image files, each showing your work from a different angle.
- Each image should be approximately 2000 x 3000 pixels, in JPEG format.
- The three image files should be named as “01,” “02” and “03,” according to their priorities. If your work is accepted for the Exhibition, the image named “01” will be used in the exhibition catalog.
- Make sure that your work is oriented correctly in each image. The executive committee shall not be responsible if the work is printed incorrectly in the exhibition catalog (e.g., reverse / wrong side up) due to the work being incorrectly orientated in the digital images.
Application by Post
Please download the Application Form. After you print it, fill in the necessary items in the form.- Prepare a CD-R containing the digital images of your work (three files, each showing your work from a different angle). Then, send the Application Form together with the CD-R to the secretariat office.
- Each image should be approximately 2000 x 3000 pixels, in JPEG format.
- On the surface of your CD-R, write your name and the title of your work.
- The three image files should be named as “01,” “02” and “03,” according to their priorities. If your work is accepted for the Exhibition, the image named “01” will be used in the exhibition catalog.
- Make sure that your work is oriented correctly in each image. The executive committee shall not be responsible if the work is printed incorrectly in the exhibition catalog (e.g., reverse / wrong side up) due to the work being incorrectly orientated in the digital images.
- The CD-R (and any other attached materials) will not be returned.
Note: If you are unable to download the Application Form from the website, you should contact the secretariat by email, fax, or postal mail, to request a hardcopy. Your message should be titled as “Request of Application Form” and contain such information as your name, address, country, phone number, and how many copies you need.
Application Charge
- Applicants who reside in Japan are requested to pay ¥5,000 of application charge.The amount must be transferred to the bank account below by no later than March 3rd (fri), 2023.
The remittance fee must also be paid by the applicant.
- Bank/Branch: Hokkoku Bank / Kencho Branch
- Account Type: Ordinary Account
- Account Number: 233178
- Account Holder: The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition c/o Design Center Ishikawa
- Applicants who reside overseas are free of charge.
About the Assessment Process
Preliminary Assessment
In mid April 2023, the appointed jurors will conduct the preliminary assessment based on the digital images of the works.- The names of the applicants who have passed the preliminary assessment will be disclosed on the official website of the Exhibition within one week after the assessment.
- Those works accepted in the preliminary assessment will be eligible for the final assessment and the Exhibition.
Final Assessment
In early July 2023, the actual works will be assessed by the final assessment jurors, and the “prize winning” works will be finalized (Those works not selected for the prizes will thereafter be called as “accepted works,” for which no official certificate or prize money will be presented).Panel Discussion
A panel discussion with all the final assessment jurors will be held on the next day of the final assessment, where the prize winning works will be disclosed. The date, venue, and other details will be announced to all the applicants as soon as they are fixed. However, attendance will be solicited only from the applicants in Japan.Final Results Announcement
The prize-winners will be disclosed on the official website of the Exhibition. In addition, the final results, along with the notice of the upcoming Exhibition, will be delivered to the press in Ishikawa prefecture as well as to the major organizations and publications in Japan which are related to art, craft, and design.Final Results Notification
Each applicant who participated in the final assessment will receive a written notification of the final results by postal mail approximately two weeks after the final assessment.The following procedures apply only to those applicants who successfully passed the preliminary assessment. However, please read them carefully in order to understand the entire flow of the Exhibition.
Shipment of the Works
Exhibitor Agreement
- Those who successfully passed the preliminary assessment will receive a formal letter of result notification, along with the “Guide for Exhibits” documents and the “Exhibitor Agreement” form.
- Those who agree to participate in the final assessment should submit the “Exhibitor Agreement” to the secretariat office, by the due date specified in the “Guide for Exhibits.”
Sending the Works
- After submitting the “Exhibitor Agreement,” the applicants should then prepare for shipping of their works. The destination and the deadline are both specified in the “Guide for Exhibits.”
- The shipping expenses and insurance must be covered by the applicants themselves.
- The work should be secured in a package (stowage box) which is durable enough to protect the work from any shocks during the transportation as well as repeated opening and closing. Works without a package will not be accepted. In addition, please have your work insured against loss or damages as you deem appropriate. The executive committee shall bear no liabilities for loss of or damages to the work during the transportation.
- The works will be unpacked and inspected on the day before the final assessment. If any damage is found in the work upon unpacking, the executive committee will notify the applicant. Negotiation on such a damage shall be between the applicant and the shipping company.
- The executive committee shall bear no responsibility if the work cannot be displayed in the final assessment or be exhibited in the Exhibition due to any damage caused during the transportation.
- If the submitted work is not identical to the one shown in the digital images selected in the preliminary assessment, the applicant shall be disqualified, and the work will neither be assessed nor be exhibited.
- In the final assessment and the Exhibition, the works will be displayed referring to the digital images. If your work requires a specific instruction for the correct assembling/installing, however, please include a sketch or a note in your package. Also, attach the sketch/note to your “Exhibitor Agreement” as well.
- The works will be handled by the official art specialists throughout the entire processes of the Exhibition. The executive committee, however, shall take no responsibility if the work cannot be displayed in the final assessment or exhibited in the Exhibition due to its extremely complicated assembling/installing requirements.
- The conditions 9 to 16 below apply only to the applicants from overseas:
- For the works submitted from overseas, customs clearance will be obtained on a “re export” basis, which means that the work will be returned (re exported) from Japan after the Exhibition.
- Customs clearance will take approximately one week. Consider this fact when you ship your work so that it will reach Ishikawa in time.
- Customs duties that may arise at the Japanese international airport, as well as the domestic transportation fees, will be covered by the executive committee.
- When shipping your work, please use the “INVOICE” attached to the “Guide for Exhibits.” Be sure to fill in each field of the INVOICE. The price of the work must be the same as the amount specified in your Application Form. Your work may fail to clear customs if the INVOICE does not contain sufficient information about the work or if the price of the work specified in your INVOICE differs from the amount in your Application Form.
- The executive committee shall bear no responsibility if the work cannot be displayed in the final assessment and in the Exhibition because of its failure in customs clearance due to the deficiency of the INVOICE.
- If an applicant, or his/her appointed person, directly delivers the work to the secretariat (or to the consignee), all the expenses that may be required (such as domestic transportation fees, Japanese customs duties, etc.) shall be paid by the applicant.
- Except for plywood, do not use wooden packing materials for shipping.
- Works which are submitted from China, the USA, and other countries where private import is tightly regulated will be returned by EMS after the Exhibition. Therefore, applicants from these countries must ensure that their packages meet the size conditions of EMS in their own country.
All the works submitted to the final assessment will be exhibited in The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2023:The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2023
Period: From November 9th (thu) to 21st (tue) 2023 (for thirteen days, tentative)Venue: Shiinoki Cultural Complex, Ishikawa Prefecture (1-1-2 Hirosaka, Kanazawa, Ishikawa)
The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2023 in Wajima (touring exhibition)
Duration: First Half: December 2 to 26, 2023 (tentative) Second Half: January 1 to 21, 2024 (tentative)Venue: Ishikawa Wajima Urushi Art Museum (11 Shijugari Mitomori-machi, Wajima, Ishikawa)
Exhibition Catalog
- An exhibition catalog will be published, which contains the pictures of all the works submitted to the final assessment.
- Each applicant (individual or group) who participated in the final assessment will receive a free copy.
Management of the Works
Sales of the Works
- The works will be put on sale only in the main Exhibition (not in the touring Exhibition).
- The works for which a buyer appears during the Exhibition will be sold by the executive committee. The actual sales processes, however, will be entrusted to a professional agent.
- Please understand that, in some cases, the retail price may almost double the Artist Price.
Safe Handling of the Works
- From the moment the work is officially received by our consignee, the executive committee will take full responsibility for the safe handling of it, in cooperation with the official art specialists who will handle the work with utmost care, until it is returned to an international airport in the applicant’s country. However, the executive committee shall bear no responsibility of compensation for loss of or damage to the work due to any inevitable causes such as natural disasters.
- Each applicant must specify the price of his/her work (“Artist Price”) in the Application Form. If there is a prospective purchaser for the work, the executive committee will sell it at the retail price calculated based on the Artist Price.
- All the submitted works will be covered by insurance, which is paid for by the executive committee. The insurance amount will be calculated based on the Artist Price of each work. Regardless of the amount of the Artist Price, however, the maximum amount of insurance shall be 2,000,000 yen. Please understand that, since the actual amount of compensation will be appraised by the insurance company, the beneficiary may not necessarily be able to receive the full amount of insurance.
- The intellectual property rights to the submitted works reside entirely with the respective artist (applicant). Our policies with regard to the use of the intellectual property rights are as follows:
- The executive committee, the local government of Ishikawa Prefecture, and other related public organizations shall be allowed free use of the intellectual property rights to the submitted works for public relation and exhibition purposes.
- This shall include free use of the submitted digital images for creating the exhibition catalog, posters, postcards and any other printed materials, as well as for posting on the official website and SNS of the Exhibition for PR purposes.
- No time limit shall be placed upon such use of the intellectual property rights.
- In some cases, the awarded/accepted works may be re-photographed at the discretion of the executive committee.
Return of the Works
- After the Exhibition, all the works except for the sold/donated ones will be returned to the applicants through the official carrier.
- For the works submitted from within Japan, the transportation expenses as well as the insurance fees shall be paid by the applicant (or the recipient). The repacking costs, however, will be paid by the executive committee.
- The works will be returned approximately two months after the touring exhibition in Wajima is closed.
- The conditions 4 to 7 below apply only to the applicants from overseas. Read the conditions 4 to 7 very carefully to have a full understanding about them before deciding your participation (In the past, there were some troubled cases where the customs duties or other charges were imposed upon delivery of the work at the international airport in the applicant’s country. Those applicants who refused to pay such charges were unable to receive their own works).
- For the work submitted from overseas, all the expenses required to return the work shall be paid by the executive committee until the work reaches the designated international airport in the applicant’s country (This international airport shall be designated by the executive committee).
- Customs duties and any other charges imposed at the international airport in the applicant’s country, as well as the transportation expenses from the international airport to the applicant’s residence, shall be paid by the applicant.
- The applicant will be unable to receive the work if he/she refuses to pay the customs duties and other charges and/or the domestic transportation expenses. In such a case, the work will be disposed of at the international airport.
- If an applicant from overseas asks for his/her work to be returned to a person/place in Japan, the entire expenses for the in Japan domestic transportation and the insurance shall be the recipient’s responsibility. In addition, if the executive committee has paid any kind of expenses for the work (such as customs duties or domestic transportation expenses) on behalf of the applicant upon the arrival of the work in Japan, the recipient will also be requested to repay such amount to the executive committee.
Other Matters
Any matters not detailed herein shall be summarily handled as deemed appropriate by the executive committee.Inquiries
- Inquiries should be sent to the secretariat office (below) by mail, fax, or email, either in Japanese or English. Inquiries from overseas must contain the country name.
- Each inquiry should be concise within 350 words.
- Please understand that, as each inquiry will be discussed in the secretariat, it may take one or two weeks to return an official answer.
- Inquiries by telephone will not be accepted.
Secretariat Office of the Executive Committee The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibitionc/o Design Center Ishikawa
2-20 Kuratsuki, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8203 JAPAN
FAX: +81-76-267-5242
The details of the previous Exhibition (“The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2020”) can be found at: