大賞作品 「相思」 許 g
The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition was established in 1989. This year, we are pleased to hold its 9th exhibition with the theme of “The Future of Urushi Ware” introducing 75 selected works from 7 nations and regions from a field of 151 works submitted.
This exhibition is a wonderful and accurate expression of new trends for a new realm of Urushi ware.
会期 | 平成24年1月28日(土)〜2月2日(木) 6日間 |
会場 | めいてつエムザ8階催事場(金沢市) |
内容 | 入賞、入選作品75点を展示 |
併催 |
企画展示「漆の新しい広がり」 国内の漆器主要産地・企業等の新商品開発や 用途開発の動向を展示紹介 |
The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2012
Period: January 28 (Sat), 2012 through February 2 (Thu), 2012
Venue: Exhibition Hall (8F), MEITETSU M’ZA (Kanazawa) 75 works including prize winners will be exhibited Accompanying exhibition: “New Realm of Urushi Ware”
巡回展「国際漆展・石川2012 輪島展」
会期 平成24年2月25日(土)〜3月20日(火)
会場 石川県輪島漆芸美術館
内容 入賞、入選作品73点を展示
Visiting Exhibition
The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2012 in Wajima
Period: February 25 (Sat), 2012 through March 20 (Tue), 2012
Venue: Ishikawa Wajima Urushi Art Museum (Wajima) (73 works including prize winners will be exhibited)
〒920-8203 金沢市鞍月2丁目20番地
石川県地場産業振興センター新館4階 (財)石川県デザインセンター内
TEL(076)267-0365 FAX(076)267-5242
The Secretariat Office of the Executive Committee
The Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition
c/o Design Center Ishikawa
2-20 Kuratsuki, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8203 JAPAN
Tel: +81-76-267-0365 Fax: +81-76-267-5242