Panel Discussion

Opening Comments and Introduction of the Panelists
TAMAYA (MC) ───── Good morning everyone. We would like to begin the announcement of the results of the Final Assessment and the Special Symposium for the Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2023.
My name is Masayasu TAMAYA, the Managing Director of the Design Center Ishikawa and Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition, and I will be your MC today.
We would like to announce the results of the Final Assessment held yesterday and then hear comments on the prize winners from all the panelists.
I would now like to introduce all the panelists who took part in selecting the prize winners.
First, Professor Nagatoshi OHNISHI is an urushi artist and Professor Emeritus of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. He played the role of the head of the Final Assessment Panel yesterday.
Next, Mr Motomi KAWAKAMI is an interior designer and representative of KAWAKAMI Design Room Ltd.
Mr Shinichi YAMAMURA is a design consultant.
Ms Setsuko YAMADA is a design coordinator and the representative of TWIN Inc.
Professor Nobuyuki TANAKA is an urushi artist and Professor at the Kanazawa College of Art.
Professor Shinya YAMAMURA is also an urushi artist and Professor at the Kanazawa College of Art.
And finally, Mr Masahito SHIHO is a Project Director at the Design Center Ishikawa.
I hope these seven panelists will exchange their thought-provoking opinions to stimulate a lively discussion.
History of the Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition
TAMAYA (MC) ───── I would like to give a brief outline of the Ishikawa International Urushi Exhibition 2023 and the history of the exhibition.
This is the exhibition’s thirteenth event since it began in 1989 as the only international urushi competition. Its purpose was to pursue new dimensions in urushi art and allow people to recognize the appeal of urushi materials and techniques. By seeking proposals for new lifestyles and new sensibilities using lacquer from both Japan and abroad, we aim to revitalize the lacquer industry, promote international exchange through the medium, and further promote its appeal – a material and technique that is friendly to people and the environment.
The application period opened in August last year and by the deadline of March 3 this year, we received 169 entries from 8 nations and regions. The Preliminary Assessment was based on each applicant’s digital images and took place in April with panel members Professor Nagatoshi OHNISHI, Mr Shinichi YAMAMURA, Professor Shinya YAMAMURA and Ms Teruko MITARAI. As a result, 80 works from 7 nations and regions were selected to proceed to the Final Assessment.
The Final Assessment was held yesterday with the previously-introduced panel members. Among the 80 selected works, 79 works were sent to the Executive Office. At the Final Assessment 16 prize winners were selected including the Grand Prize winner, Gold Prize winners and Silver Prize winners.