Panel Discussion

Gold Prize winners (two works)(1/2)
TAMAYA (MC) ───── Thank you very much. The Gold Prize winner, Nagomi FUJITA is present here today. If you could come up to the front and give a few comments, I would love to hear your current feelings and thoughts about your work. Thank you.
FUJITA ───── Hello, my name is Nagomi FUJITA. I am very happy to receive this award. I created this piece a while ago, using a combination of lacquer and glass, and it was the first time I felt that it was well-made, so I’m really happy to have received this award. I hope to continue pursuing new expressions and ways of displaying lacquer in the future, so I appreciate your continued support. Thank you very much.
TAMAYA(MC) ───── Thank you. Please give Ms FUJITA another round of applause.

たゆたう Ⅰ
Waver Ⅰ
W14 × D10 × H7.5
藤田 和
FUJITA, Nagomi (Japan)